Project: Cheap & Plastic


Now as you some of you know I like my Wargaming/Oldhammer to be as cheap as possible (Hence my Blog Oldhammer on the Budget) and I'm lately addicted to Necromunda/Gang Skirmish games having just built up and fully painted 2 gangs (One using EM4 Savages and another using GW Chaos Cultists) I fancy making yet another gang but with the option of either running them with my Savages or as a stand alone gang.

So with this in mind i'm going to use these:


Not bad for £2.55 so fits nicely with my cheap self and my Wife won't kill me for buying yet more toys (She collects herself, but she only has so much patience for little men)

There's also this article to help with the converting:



So I'll keep track of how I get on with these and post pictures, hopefully I can get them looking good for the Underhive.


The gangers are a good base to work from but as complete models they're a bit manky. The heavy weapons pack with heavy weapons (duh!) and new bodies helps but it's pretty pricey for what it is. I still really rate the EM4 placcy Trooper models and metal upgrades though, they paint up really nicely. Anyhow it'll be interesting to see what you do with your gangers! :)


I'm not expecting much from these, but if I get 2 usable figures from 5 then it's still cheaper then 2 metal gangers so it's been worth it and if they all end up crap then well.. I'm going to buy aload of there Bikers and Scavengers anyway to make me feel better lol

Fimm McCool

What I don't understand is....

If they can produce and sell these for that little, why can't they sell nice sculpts in plastic for the same price? Or maybe these are there to make you think "well, if that's what you get for no money, maybe it's right to pay a fortune for nicer minis"!


I'm guessing they are limited in the plastic castings machines and are trying to keep costs down as much as possible by limiting detail/figure position. Plus in the flesh I'd say only 2 of 5 heads are bad and 1 set of arms.. and as a plastic set its no way near as bad as some other cheaper plastics (GOMC1 Gangers come to mind).


@Fimm - Both the gangers and troopers were sculpted by Bob Naismith for the EM4 future skirmish boxed game Combat Zone (great game btw). I guess they were created along the lines of "Here's some figures in the box to get you playing, now go and buy the really nice metal models we sell.". That said the photos of the painted gangers on the box look really great.

What doesn't help sell the plastics imo is the colour of the plastic (it's a weird shiny blue very hard plastic) and the gangers guns are pretty awful. Personally I don't like the faces on the gangers and for me that's the focal point of the model when I paint them up.

@Chico - Yeah, the GOMC1 models are pretty dodgy and look CAD sculpted. Mine are still all on the sprue.


Finally a cheaper bastard than me!
There's something I find really enjoyable about people who can take cheap figures, that maybe don't look so great, and focus a little love and attention on them to make them look really spiffy!
Well done sir!


Heh yup I'm Mr Cheap Bastard alright.. but it seems my last few projects have been super expensive (Fimir, Squats 'Stealer Cult to name a few) So it's good to buy some actual figures from a webstore that don't cost alot.