Praznagar Prince of Agony in colour?


In Advanced Heroquest, the only villians the gave figures for, and who were the main focus of the original campaign, where Skaven. In the Rule book, it gives you lists of various skaven (with images of the metals they are giving as an 'example'.

One of them, listed as Praznagar, Prince of Agony, is the C47 'Carver' figure. I happen to have a few of this model and this one unit has 3 of him (though I'm not as against him as I am with Glave for some reason...) anyway.. I decided one version of him could be painted up as Praznagar trying to copy the GW paint job... but there are problems.. the first is the rule book is in Black and White.. the second is I'm not even sure any of them B/W images are from painted models. Third, TO make up for the lack of enemy models, they came with monster Tokens. Some of which are Skaven to show different types as all the figures (reguardless of what the shields say) are basic Clan rats.. None of these Tokens show Praznagar.

So trying to copy the GW paint job... isn't really easy ¬_¬ So great idea of a bit of practice and kinda easy job trying to copy anothers colour scheme for it is... proving to be a bit tricky..

The best image I can find of a Studio paint job on him is in the 4ed Skaven Army book. in the 'eavy metal pages, there is a unit of clan rats made up of some metals and then current plastics (mostly at the back). There is a copy of this model in the front row, probebly 2 copies in the middle row, and one in the back row. the Front row guy is, of course, easier to see but all three use a similar looking paint job. I'm wondering if any one knows a better shot of him or maybe a different one? I can kinda use the one front rower as an guide but.. just wondering if there are others or better shots.
WD93 has some Skaven advertised in colour, not sure if the mini your looking for is on there. Can't upload the image from my phone for some reason, but it showed up in a Google image search for c47 carver Skaven.