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Playing a game - where & when?


Hi All,

Here's a question for you all, how many of you play games regularly and if, you do - where do you play - at home or a club? I ask because I usually end up playing at a friends house where my options for narrative gaming is rather curtailed, now don't get me wrong I'll write a army list and square off against the best, when the mood takes me, as stand tactic's are standard tactics - refused flank, hammer and anvil and stand and shoot being but a few.
But I usually end up fairly non-committal as to how the game played out, because I've no connection or character in developing the game further - than tweaking an army list to counter the latest super-troop/tactic. Unlike my growing interest in my 'C' series, Citadel Half-orcs boldly led by It-him & assisted by Urtem, (less than fifty figures) which, when ever I'm invited to play a 'small' game of third edition I find myself turning to. Last outing they'd fallen on hard times and thus fallen into thuggery/banditry in and around a Britonnian manor, who's lord tried and failed to drive them off (a story for another time).
But, I digress, this post is asking the question - do you have wargaming facilities close-by, you use ? My daughter recently pointed me in the direction of a local store in High Wycombe, where for a reasonably small fee you can hire a table and play a game of whatever takes your fancy, this led me to do a small amount of reconnaissance, yesterday afternoon, where I found details of a gathering of table-top gamers at my local library - mostly playing magic and the like, but I can forgive them that! and they pay an even smaller fee (£2.00) to play from 10:30 to 16:30 on a Saturday. Now I know there are other establishments which offer such services - my original home town of Barnsley has a store which offers such services, we all know Foundry let's you use their tables - so my question is - does your local area have such stores and would you be up for a game - if, I or A. N. Other was passing by and you had a few hours to spare for a small game? 8-)

In hope of a response



My current gaming is mostly done around a friends place in Harrow North London every couple of months or at a local gaming Club in South Oxhey on Wednesday night (But is a real pig to get too without a car so I get there way less than I'd like to).

But much like yourself the vast majority of my gaming is ''Matched Play'' bring a list and battle, plus that's all of the new and current editions/games. Which if I'm honest I'm quite happy playing and there's plenty of systems to keep me happy like Batman, Bolt Action, Bushido, Kings of War, Age of Sigmar.

If I'm lucky I might get a game of Heroquest at home when having a few beers but that's few and far between.


Barnsley, you say? Interesting. So .. is it the model shop down the covered way stretching between the bus station and the HSBC, the name of which I (obviously) don't know?


Padre":238tmyyz said:
Barnsley, you say? Interesting. So .. is it the model shop down the covered way stretching between the bus station and the HSBC, the name of which I (obviously) don't know?

Simply - The Arcade Padre, simply the arcade and yes, that's the shop. :grin: . I no longer travel there on a regular basis, but once or twice a year, I do; so, next time I'm up that way, I'll put the notice out and if, ever you fancy a game - just say the word and I'll bring along the troops 8-)



That's great, Golgfag. BTW, were you a member if that club in the room above the garage off Racecommon Road? No idea if it is still going, but it was still around in the late 90's, early 2000's I think.


Padre said:
That's great, Golgfag. BTW, were you a member if that club in the room above the garage off Racecommon Road? No idea if it is still going, but it was still around in the late 90's, early 2000's I think.[/quote

Yes, but my time was more early to mid eighties, before I moved south - with the likes of Mick Brookes and the Hurd brothers, they now meet above a recording studio across from the library on shamble Street. 8-)


Good Evening All,

sorry for springs this at short notice but I've just booked a short trip up the Newcastle upon Tyne from Monday to Wednesday and was wondering if these's any members of the group in the area interested in meeting up? I'm also in Barnsley on Wednesday evening - again same question, anybody in the area interested in meeting up for a game or a pint?

In hope



I know I'm relatively close to Barnsley, but Wednesday is not a realistic possibility, due to where I am the day before, where I am the day after, and all the stuff I have to do that evening to undo the former and prepare the latter! Weekday evenings have been like this for over a decade now. Unless it is the school holidays, or July. I used to go to regular gaming nights and a weekly pub quiz, but those days are long gone.

I am very sociable on the weekends and during school holidays (except when different authorities have different holidays, in which case I don't really get a holiday).


Padre":28oqh7n8 said:
I know I'm relatively close to Barnsley, but Wednesday is not a realistic possibility, due to where I am the day before, where I am the day after, and all the stuff I have to do that evening to undo the former and prepare the latter! Weekday evenings have been like this for over a decade now. Unless it is the school holidays, or July. I used to go to regular gaming nights and a weekly pub quiz, but those days are long gone.

I am very sociable on the weekends and during school holidays (except when different authorities have different holidays, in which case I don't really get a holiday).

Such is life, no problem as I said this is pretty much a last minute thing, so is there anybody in or around Newcastle, or is this one part of the country Oldhammer has yet to reach?

In hope



One of my local game shop has recently moved to a much larger premises, and thus more table space, longer opening hours etc. So the question has to be asked - anybody up for a Oldhammer meeting in High Wycombe sometime in the future? table hire starts at pound for an hour to a maximum of three pounds per head, what's not to say no to.

Paul / Golgfag1


I know my reply is quite late, but I couldn't resist chiming in on this one. Most of my gaming happens at home, where I've created my little gaming haven. I've dabbled in a variety of games, from intense strategy sessions to laid-back party games with friends. Lately, I've been hooked on narrative-driven games that take me on epic journeys. However, your post got me thinking about exploring new gaming environments.


Hey, a little threadomancy is never a terrible thing. To keep it alive, I play mostly at home, but a friend has been trying to drag me to a local shop that has a ton of tables available free of charge, at least on off days, and many tables worth of scenery. Great stuff. I might have to make a habit out of it.
I don't play at all. I can't learn the rules and I can't paint or sculpt miniatures any more or build terrain. Like theoretically I could play solo with tokens but it's just not going to happen.