Plans for my 40K army


I figure I'll be building a small 28mm army alongside the 15mm stuff.

What I had in mind for "Second Trader" games (2nd edition with Rogue Trader elements) is a penal legion assault force. Inspired by the "Last Chancers" from the 2nd edition Guard codex, these are basically the criminals you throw into a chaos space marine base or the depths of a genestealer cult hide out. If 3 of them come back, hooray.

So a few squads of guardsmen. Working with some plastic Cadian shock troops right now and will get some of the Wargame Factory great coat guys and these guys for more regular troops / storm troopers.

They'll have a smattering of random characters accompanying them (some stern officers, an assassin or two, several commissars).

Might end up scratch building a vehicle and some human bombs to support them.

The whole thing will hopefully end up being pretty awesome and not at all "official" :)