Plan to come to BOYL for my first time in 2025, WHFB 3E anyone?


I'd love to go and have a few games of something, though I large number of my models are now re-based so that I can play Old World. Its also been a massive encouragement to get me painting. Everything had a much smaller tighter footprint, so I'm enjoying the room that the larger bases are offering for my old minis.
If anyone would like some games and I manage to find a new job I'd be up for trying pretty much anything. While I have a completely painted 2nd Edition Space Hulk, I'm hoping soon that I'll also have a painted up Dark Future. Not sure I'll have the rules nailed down soon.
I've also got my Marines and Orks ready for 'Battle at the Farm'.


That board started my life long love of 3D space hulk builds. Still have one slowly ongoing (with all the other started projects) - one day! I did manage to do one much more cheap and cheerful modular board built for a GamesDay one year (when GW were still getting clubs to run games). It was a bit finished the night before (so we're talking very quick metallic dry brush here - not as nice as the ones made with 40mm bases - mine was 1:1 to the card tiles), but was popular on the day (Space Hulk being out of publication at the time - so we had lots of people asking what the game was) and we were in the main hall so that was nice (if manic). Hopefully still around somewhere!
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