Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Painters of a Nervous Disposition Look Away Now!

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Painters of a Nervous Disposition Look Away Now!

Time for Plan B

This is a bit of an unusual post for me, as I don't normally post stuff I that I am not happy with the finished result. But my first attempts at painting the goblins from Goblin Town have not gone well.

In fact it is the first time in a long time that they were repainted immediately because I was so unhappy with the result. They were supposed to albino diseased goblins but they just came out a weird dirty pink. The washes completely covered the white and all attempts to lighten them up just made them look more pink than white.

Given they only have loincloths and few bits of equipment then the skin tone has got to look right as it the main feature of these models.

I have just started prepping a new batch which I will shade rather than wash. And see if this keeps them looking more albino.

Papa Nurgle would be proud as they are very diseased and deformed. I first thought the left leg was covered in cloth but then realised it was just diseased! Obviously they would fit in very well with a Nurgle army

I actually think the mini looks better in the photos but still looks rubbish.
Time to retire to my fortress of Solitude for a good think...

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