TBH I think OSL is the most abused painting technique of the moment and IMHO in about 95% of the cases I see it, it takes from the paintjob rather than add to it. IMHO unless you do it perfectly, it looks weird, Often I see painters just paint colours on places they think should be lit by the light and it ends up looking like stains of colour. They see a light source and paint the surrounding area in the colour that the light is supposed to be, without thinking what the light would actually do.
Now judging from what you've painted so far it looks like you're a decent painter so you might do a decent job of it, but I don't think the mini needs it, it looks great as is, but if you do decide to do it, think about it first, if you're going with a green light, think what a green light would do, don't just paint stuff green, think which parts would be lighter because of the light but also think about the shadows you would introduce, think about how the green light interacts with the colours of the places it lights up