Orctober 2023


Well we're just on the cusp of that time of year when the goblinoids need painting. Yes the corny Orctober is only days away and I thought I should pop in a thread and see if anyone can muster up some miniatures. Granted I painted these two last week, but I needed something to kick off the thread so please forgive me!


For my own part I'm going to see how many of my Fantasy Regiments Orcs & Goblins I can get done ... I've primed them ready for some dry brushing fun. The observant amount you will have noted that one of those catapults is round the wrong way. Alas a childhood mistake that I didn't notice until I was most of the way through painting them and decided life was short and the lead pile large, so left it be!

You can also enjoy the excitement of getting your Orctober (virtual) badge ... :)


mmm other then some monopose archers I got for my Heroquest set (I wanted some Goblin archers, 4th ed era, but ending up with Night goblins, which are good enough... only to find out it's ORC archers used in the one quest ¬_¬ oh well), I do have two figures of interest.. I (re)painted up my Makari I had from when I was a kid (when it was fairly new) and got my Ghazzy primed and very VERY only tiny started, as well as a Kev Adams Goblin Shaman which was recently released by Oldschool Miniatures (Got it a little while back as part of one of there mystery boxes. a nice way to get a nice range of figures to see what I fancy) so while I got other stuff, I might see if I can try to get something done ^_^


Ah Orctober one of the best months of the year, if not the best monsters in Heroquest. More importantly it gives me an excuse the delay finishing my Colony87 project and painting FTO Orcs, I'm in .


I like those, the balsa(?) banner is nice and different. I rather like the one with the horn. Not that I need another style of orc, but I might have a proper look at the box for these next time I'm down my local gaming store, they look like nice models.

So my work in progress for Orctober:
I've still got 90% of the goblins to prime, but the orcs are done and dry brushed. Still not 100% decided on this approach to painting, getting a good drybrush down takes longer than you'd think. Still there is a degree of pleasure in doing some very simple paint by the numbers and I shall like the satisfaction of having a good number of models off the lead pile when done. Early prep over in my WIP thread.


This is the start of my Orctober offering. I recently acquired a horde of FTO orcs and C15 Armoured orcs which i hope to maily finish by the end of the month.
First off a C15 Armoured orc which looks female from the body shape and hairstyle in trendy Ash Blond (according to my teenage granddaughter)




Followed by the other end of the scale -see what I didi there?- a Citadel for Ralparthe from 1984 RP3 Goblin1



I intended to post a photo of them together but the results were even poorer than usual. As always comments and criticism encouraged.


Sounds like a good haul. I prefer the C15 styling myself, defiantly ash blond - not that with those two clubs one would dare to disagree :)

twisted moon

This is the start of my Orctober offering.
nice work.
i've been continuing with the oathmark goblins box.

Hobgoblin spears1a.jpg

i'm going to equip the rest as a spear unit.

Hobgoblin spears1b.jpg

the drum is a small section of superglue nozzle with a milliput skin.

Hobgoblin spears2a.jpg

their hair is my own milliput addition, as before, and the shields are the same as for the rest of my goblinoids, but other than that they're from the kit.

Hobgoblin spears2b.jpg

twisted moon

I like those, the balsa(?) banner is nice and different. I rather like the one with the horn.

lollipop stick, whatever they are whittled from; it's intended to be a bit like an advertising hoarding, which i considered appropriate for mercenaries. the horn is also my own addition, from milliput.