Oldhammer Art


fun ^_^
never really though about redoing old images in my style.. my art style isn't really something which lends itself to this stuff but.. at the same time.. might see about giving a couple of things a go which I've been tempted with..


It's a common thing that I've seen a number of well known comic artists offer other to do, re-draw their art, but in your own style.
I'm normally better at copying art I've seen and matching a style rather than bringing my own.


I've often wondered who much better my art would be if I'd studied it at college or maybe pushed it more. I don't think I would want it as a career, as its taking something you love and trying to make money off it. I could see me becoming bitter and resentful about it, much the way I am now about IT.


at one stage, I was thinking about doing art when I went to college (went into computers there instead) but wasn't happy with how I was taught during secondary school (which is why I didn't take it up for GCSE).. too much 'copy other styles' and 'this is how to do it cause this is how THIS person does it' and not enough about the very basics, different ways of doing things and WHY, and developing your own style. Come to think of it, while I don't regret the years at college doing computers, I got fed up with it in the end which is why I gave up and didn't go to the next college level.. too much NOT explaining why some bits of the theory, and too much 'copy other style' and not develop your own. Also the style that most teaching is done.... does really work too well for me.. but then, when I started college it was just in order to get a piece of paper which says I know what I already knew. OH, and I was able to get in alot of Heroquest ^_^


I'm very much the same, most of the stuff I do is through doin'. Even the work on servers that I do, I have a test environment were I work out everything that I can do and see how I can improve thing. Systematic elimination of issue till I get to the solution. I'm surprised I didn't get into debugging problems, but Infrastructure is where I am now.
I've often wondered who much better my art would be if I'd studied it at college or maybe pushed it more. I don't think I would want it as a career, as its taking something you love and trying to make money off it. I could see me becoming bitter and resentful about it, much the way I am now about IT.
On top of loss of enjoyment because of turning hobby into work, art market is massively oversaturated and there's plenty of art career grifters on youtube misdirecting more and more people into entering it. They mostly rely on having hundreds of thousands of subscribers for making money.

Inspired by some book art, trying to match the design.
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A Leman Russ? So, you're into the Epic Space Marine era Imperial Guard?


A Leman Russ? So, you're into the Epic Space Marine era Imperial Guard?
Yep, I used to play Space Marine and Titanicus with my friend from School, only ever 1st edition though. Dropped out before any others came out, but I went big into Titanicus re-release with about 15k of Titans, and I've been painting a lot of Legions Imperialis.


Nicely done Igmdaniel! And yeah, I completely understand the desire to keep it a hobby. I studied music in college, in an attempt to change careers. I think it did me a world of good, but even so I was never really to break in and truly make it pro, and so it's slipped back into being a (very satisfying) hobby. Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of your hobby. That's fantastic stuff!
Yep, I used to play Space Marine and Titanicus with my friend from School, only ever 1st edition though. Dropped out before any others came out, but I went big into Titanicus re-release with about 15k of Titans, and I've been painting a lot of Legions Imperialis.
I found that period very interesting. I particularly found earliest Leman Russ design very appealing. Very weird tank design.