Piers B
Rather than have a myriad of threads next year, I thought I would keep all my Oldhammer silliness in one thread!
My aim over the next couple of years is to build up several Warhammer armies for use with earlier editions of the games. The collection I hope will span several of the produced games, both 28mm and other scales... unlikely to be many updates till next year but may aswell kick off now! Several of us are doing Oldhammer stuff this coming year, some are doing proper old skool, others more modern GW but old rules and one poor sod who aint ever played Warhammer but has gone in big time!
In terms of 28mm I'm currently aiming to produce the following armies, each of varying size and scope;
Dwarf Army - This will be the largest to start with as im aiming for 4,000 points to rival my mate Tom's Orcs. This will be my main force, and my main fantasy army.
Empire Army - My secondary fantasy army, aimed at the 2000 point size, primarily for small games and as allies for my Dwarfs and to join with Gaz's Empire Army.
Chaos Warband - Small Realms of Chaos Warband.
Undead - Basically the troops needed for tne Terror of Lichemaster campaign pack, but with options to allow its use as an army and to ally with Skip's Undead Army.
Rogue Trader's Entourage - The warhost of an Imoerial Rogue Trader, based on the army list from the Book of the Astronomican. Will have Guardm Marines and a few robots and perhaps some Elder mercenaries or Bloodaxe Commandos.
Eldar Army - Full 2000 point army for the old 2nd edition of 40k. I chose Eldar as its an army I never did when I played and worked for GW so it's all new to me!
Alongside these I hope to add more Mordheim, Necromunda, Man O War and Epic to build a complete set of gaming forces.
So what we have foraged so far...
Imperial Guard infantry platoon for Rogue Trader...
Chaos... so far just the Chaos Dwarfs that will make the main force of the warband...
Eldar for Rogue Trader and 2nd Ed. 40k...
Finally of course, the Dwarves...
My aim over the next couple of years is to build up several Warhammer armies for use with earlier editions of the games. The collection I hope will span several of the produced games, both 28mm and other scales... unlikely to be many updates till next year but may aswell kick off now! Several of us are doing Oldhammer stuff this coming year, some are doing proper old skool, others more modern GW but old rules and one poor sod who aint ever played Warhammer but has gone in big time!
In terms of 28mm I'm currently aiming to produce the following armies, each of varying size and scope;
Dwarf Army - This will be the largest to start with as im aiming for 4,000 points to rival my mate Tom's Orcs. This will be my main force, and my main fantasy army.
Empire Army - My secondary fantasy army, aimed at the 2000 point size, primarily for small games and as allies for my Dwarfs and to join with Gaz's Empire Army.
Chaos Warband - Small Realms of Chaos Warband.
Undead - Basically the troops needed for tne Terror of Lichemaster campaign pack, but with options to allow its use as an army and to ally with Skip's Undead Army.
Rogue Trader's Entourage - The warhost of an Imoerial Rogue Trader, based on the army list from the Book of the Astronomican. Will have Guardm Marines and a few robots and perhaps some Elder mercenaries or Bloodaxe Commandos.
Eldar Army - Full 2000 point army for the old 2nd edition of 40k. I chose Eldar as its an army I never did when I played and worked for GW so it's all new to me!
Alongside these I hope to add more Mordheim, Necromunda, Man O War and Epic to build a complete set of gaming forces.
So what we have foraged so far...
Imperial Guard infantry platoon for Rogue Trader...

Chaos... so far just the Chaos Dwarfs that will make the main force of the warband...

Eldar for Rogue Trader and 2nd Ed. 40k...

Finally of course, the Dwarves...