Old World Alliance/Mercenary army


Well the very beginnings of one anyway!

As you may know I'm participating in the Lead Painters League at the mo and Round 5 was a bonus themed round with the theme being civil war.

Not wanting to miss out on any bonus points I dug out a few minis I'd been hoarding for a future Old World Alliance project of mine.

They're painted up in War of the Roses colours but I'm sure I can make that work with the rest of the army when I finally get round to it.

Yorkist Pikemen - no idea of the manufacturer apart from the citadel fighter leading them.

These chaps got a fairly basic paint job as I was running out of time and I've got another 23 left in the pile to complete the unit!

Also got some Front Rank knights done, who scale up rather nicely with old Citadel

These chaps will form the core of my cavalry along with some old Knights Panther and Knights of the White Wolf (helmed fellows with wolf pelt cloaks from the '80s rather than the hammer wielding 90's ones).

Champion -


Possible General?

Front Rank are definitely worth checking out - some lovely looking Handgunners, Halberdiers and lighter armoured cavalry.


Yes, I'm sorely tempted to build a large army of Front Rank stuff!

Nice job all round Steve. Are the bugler and general math geeks or just keen on pie? =D


Thanks Phreedh - I may go back and tidy a few things up as it was a bit of a rush towards the end.

While the General and his bugler do enjoy working out the area and diameter of various circles, I believe the symbol is actually (rather crudely simplified by me!) a water bouget.

Cheers Stone Cold - and thanks for the tip on Perry miniatures

A bit early for War of the Roses but near enough for me :mrgreen:


Thantsants":1a926hxq said:
Thanks Phreedh - I may go back and tidy a few things up as it was a bit of a rush towards the end.

While the General and his bugler do enjoy working out the area and diameter of various circles, I believe the symbol is actually (rather crudely simplified by me!) a water bouget.
No need to go back and fix anything, press on with new (old) lead instead!

Thanks for clearing up the symbol! =)


I've just started to collect some if the old early citadel bretonnians and dogs of war so it's great to see these. Love the slender pikes. Very inspiring for me so cheers :)