Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Oakbound Pixie riding a Giant Stag Beetle

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Oakbound Pixie riding a Giant Stag Beetle

A Post that Does Exactly What it says on the Tin

Spent a nice relaxing session this afternoon, painting up a Oakbound Pixie rider riding a giant stag beetle. The giant stag beetle comes from Ral Partha Europe. The Pixie riders come with badgers from Oakbound but I thought they would look would look good on some alternative mounts. So, last time I ordered from RPE, I added the stag beetles. It has taken a while to paint the second one up, hopefully the third one will be a little quicker!

Feb 2024 vs. Dec 2021​

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