New miniature company- Skeletons


Don't know if this is the right place for this...Browsing on ebay I've just stumbled across the skeleton range from this company, which sounds new to me:
The catapult in particular looks really promising and - considering it would not look out of place in the hands of my orcs anyway - i decided I would give it a try (I also liked the idea of supporting a new and quite local - they're based in Bologna - venture)
I should get it in a week time and I'll give you my report about it.



As you can see, I've already received the lot and I must say I'm really pleased with it: all the minis - the catapult in particular - are extremely detailed, realistic and very well cast, with minimal mold lines and just some flash on the bare skeleton.
Size- and scale-wise, the catapult itself is no giant: a bit smaller than the classic orc man-mangler (which I don't have at hand), but it comes in quite a lot of pieces, all very well cast and therefore easy to assemble (glue is needed, of course); the skeletons are on the tall side (think of mordheim era humans) and, as said, very realistic (bones are very thin, as they should be).
All in all, a nice discovery...hope this range will do well for them and they can expand on other races.
Good to see more producers of fantasy army types especially in metal. I’ll be interested to see what else they release.