Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Nearly all the Goblins

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Nearly all the Goblins

Escape from Goblin Town Campaign Mk. 2

I have played through the campaign once and the dwarves got beaten in four of the five scenarios. With three of the scenarios playing out as completely one-sided affairs. In particular the third scenario seems completely unwinnable for the dwarves without the goblin player choosing to let them win.

So, after a bit of thought, I have drafted up some changes and will play through the campaign again.

The goblin king and his followers​

My converted goblin archers

Rules for Escape from Goblin Town Campaign Mk. 2

Thorin, Gandalf & Bilbo can only be used in their assigned scenario.

Other dwarves can be used in any combination for the scenarios.

The other dwarves may be used in more than one scenario but start the game with their remaining wounds from the previous scenario but Might, Will and Fate may be recovered before the battle on a roll of 5+ per point.

NB: This makes Oin particularly useful as he can recover wounds.

Scenario 1 – The Breakthrough

  • Any four dwarves.
  • Additional walkway.

Scenario 2 – Rescue the Baggage

  • Any four dwarves.
  • New deployment zones and additional walkways.

Scenario 3 – Brothers in Arms

  • Any five dwarves.
  • New deployment zones and randomised arrival points for goblin reinforcements.

Scenario 4 – Guard the Crossing

  • Thorin and any three dwarves.

Scenario 5 – The wizard and the Burglar

  • Bilbo and Gandalf.
  • New deployment zones and randomised arrival points for goblin reinforcements.

Scenario 6 – Escape from Goblin Town

All remaining minis from the Company. Any minis that have between killed in previous scenarios may start the game on a 4+ and with one wound. Roll to recover Might, Will & Fate as above.

I will need to work out goblin forces, but the victory conditions will be something like: Get half the company to safety including Thorin.

Thorn and company attempt their escape
Only six goblins left to paint.


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