My World Eaters Army WIP


The troops so far, as seen on LAF, PF, My Blog and so on:




And with new reenforcements:



I am thinking of just re-basing the Bloodletters and give them a slight brushover, but I am still undecided.

The Dreadnought will get stripped and repainted.


I painted the first marines as World Eater Traitor Marines, so they are Heresy era, since they have turned to chaos, but are not full-blown Chaos Marines yet and have not had the time to repaint their armor yet.

The reenforcements of demons and chaos stuff will make the army a strange mix, but I think it will work out fine. I am not aiming to make it playable in any newer 40K versions anyway.

I also have Terminators and a Bloodthirster to come.
Jonas":2lkksvm2 said:
I painted the first marines as World Eater Traitor Marines, so they are Heresy era, since they have turned to chaos, but are not full-blown Chaos Marines yet and have not had the time to repaint their armor yet.

...but you can tell by their red eyes that they have already been tempted by the dark side...looks great! :grin:
That's a great bunch of models. The marines really pop on the table with that paint job. I would re-base and touch up the Bloodletters, they don't look like they particularly need a repaint to my eyes - they have a vintage charm with their current paint job which suits them.

Are you going to paint the dreadnought in white like the marines, I think that would look good?


I like this colour scheme a lot and I second Bruno on how the white looks good. I also second Otto on th edreadnaught who could benefit from a white/blue pattern. I believe this coulour scheme could help blend both beakies and renegades into a unified army.
Base those bloodletters and they're good to go !
Asslessman":3932owge said:
I believe this coulour scheme could help blend both beakies and renegades into a unified army.

That's the way to go with them. The mutated dreadnought can be a missing link to the renegades. You could play with this idea and have half and half colour schemes on some of the trooops - would be cool to have the old paint scheme being mutated into the new chaos renegade scheme on some of the squads and would help to tie it in to the daemons. I couldn't find any images on the web of this idea to illustrate so it is probably fairly original.


There's an Old WD (Around issue 200) with a photo pf aDeath Wing terminator turning to Khorne and being half way though the change to his armour, looked good.

Edits it's WD 234:


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Thanks for all the comments.

I think I will try and rebase the Bloodletters over Christmas and if it works out it will be great, if not I will probably touch up on the metal and some other stuff... Tongues should be black too according to Realm of Chaos ;)

About the whites... I plan to do the Dreadnought in white and blue too and see if it works out. And actually it is no problem at all painting whites like this. I have switched most paints to Coat D'Arms and I use their Elven Grey (or whatever it is called) for white power armour and such.

It should be equal to the old Citadel Elf Grey, but it is not. Elf Grey was grey with a blueish teint to it, but the Coat D'Arms version is just grey and a much lighter version of grey. But it covers a black undercoat really well and looks almost white when dry, just a little darker, so it is possible to make slight highlights with all white and easy to correct shading errors and such.

I must admit I did not do the white highlight stage on these as I wanted to finish them and move on to something else at that time, but I still plan to go over them at some point, but for now they look good enough for the tabbletop.


Sorry for repeating some of this, but the post below is taken from my blog :)

Before the end of this year I managed to finish a bunch of old school Bloodletters. I was lucky to get these really cheap on Ebay. They already had an ok paintjob, so I decided to give them a touch up on their old paintjob instead of stripping and re-painting. In the end I went pretty far on the touch up and it almost feels like I painted them from basecoat, but I guess the previous paintjob saved me some time and I also used it as a guideline for the looks I wanted.


I think they ended up looking really good and old school!

I chose to base them on round bases since I bought them for my World Eaters forces and if I ever chose to use them for Fantasy gaming I will probably be using them in skirmish and not in ranked up Warhammer style.


Blood for the Blood God!


Skulls for the Skull Throne!


My combined painted World Eaters of Khorne forces.

Even though I never planned to do a larger army for this project it looks like my forces are growing anyway. Next up is an old Bloodthirster, some Chaos Terminators and I have a Chaos Dreadnought too. This will make up a pretty good World Eaters skirmish force and who knows, maybe I run into some more minitures to bulk out the project in years to come.

To end off this post I add a picture from before and after my re-paint. I think they are much better now, but judge for yourself.


Before: Straight from Ebay!


After: Straight from Hell!
