My Vintage army of Chaos Renegades

Here my painted army of Chaos Renegades, that I called "The Karnophages".
I painted it about 14 years ago. At that time I used the Alpha legion army list.
I used some cultists too and genestealers (proxies for demons). My idea it was a group of CSM with the genetic seed of genestealrs and so members of a Genestealer Cult.

I did the mistake of using a glossy protective spray over the miniatures, so some are too glossy. :(


The Magus, used with the cultists



The "Patriarch"


The ArchMagus

The Chaos Renegades







I have some genestealers and cultists too, but I didn't paint personally these models, so I don't include them.

I don't play to WH40k from years, so I never finished the army with the models I still have: many metal OOP genestealers and cultists with genestealer hybrids.
Maybe one day, if I will play again to WH40k I will paint these miniature and could consider to repaint the old miniatures.

Some months ago, I've find the time to paint a new vintage CSM, using my old paint scheme, but with my updated skills (especially the use of washes, that I didn't use over 10 years ago)

I've included one old painted miniature (left) with the new one (right)

The colours are a bit "YIIHAAA Neon nights" to me , but on the whole army background it looks great!

The patriarch is super cool! :twisted:

Fimm McCool

Nice work. That Patriarch is a great conversion, and I love how you've made the renegades look 'genestealery' with nothing but the colour scheme.


A very strong position to take to paint those with those colours but I find it works wonders in the end. i wouldn't be sold on one model only but the group effect and consistency really make this a nice army.


Asslessman":ci63d8le said:
A very strong position to take to paint those with those colours but I find it works wonders in the end. i wouldn't be sold on one model only but the group effect and consistency really make this a nice army.

Half in agreement here - i think the overall army look is superb. On closer examination i really like the style - it is very bold and old school i guess - almost toonish - refreshing i really like them all.
yes, that colour scheme is well strong. like JB said, i might have ummed and ahhed if it was a single miniature but as a group i am convinced. nice one.