My recent Rogue Trader fanart


I think for me it's the sketches on the gridded notepad the evoke the most nostalgia. Whilst never an artist myself I remember copying drawings from the RT rulebook and white dwarf in old exercise books (probably liberated from school), probably even tried a few of my own creations, but alas never a skill I was gifted with or developed. I think after that it's the 2008/9 drawings with the softer pencils (or charcoal/pastels?) that appeal the most. It's fascinating to see some of the influences though the art, especially Rees, and whilst the newer lighter weight sketches have a dynamic feel to them I think maybe on balance I prefer some of the earlier stuff.

Does make me wonder just how much fan material (words, drawings, sculpture, etc) must have been generated off the back of some quirky gamers in the 80s!