Old Man Paints Miniatures Painted January 2024

Blog: Old Man Paints – Oldhammer Wargaming Figures
Owner: OldManPaints
Author: Tideswellman / Old Man Paints
Post: Miniatures Painted January 2024

It makes good sense, I think, to try to report on what I paint each month. Unless there’s a particular project that requires more concentration and less blogging. This might be the way forward, we will see.


Ludo from Labyrinth

Old School miniatures – Eldar Scout

Ogre mercenary

Beorn of the North in bear form and man form

Beorn of the North in man form

Being perfectly honest, I had started some of these miniatures before 2024, but they were standing around in the paint queue for ages and I finally turned my attention back to the unobtainable goal of painting all my unpainted minis before buying more. I’m failing as it seems that every time I get started on this a huge batch of well-priced miniatures becomes available on the forums. Anyway…I’m trying to at least work through in order, so the stuff that’s in the queue is getting priority..after that, I’ll move down to shelf 2, and then the unpainted box of doom. It’s slow going though because I’m a slow painter and I never paint batches or armies, just individual characters, so they all have to be “good enough for me”. At least I’m painting something…and that’s a blessing.

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