Old Man Paints Miniatures Painted February and March 2024

Blog: Old Man Paints – Oldhammer Wargaming Figures
Owner: OldManPaints
Author: Tideswellman / Old Man Paints
Post: Miniatures Painted February and March 2024

Welcome to the latest instalment of my oldhammer blog. Arrrgh!! February was a huge bust in terms of miniature painting completed. A lot was started and just a few of minis were completed. Although it looks like feckless procrastination, it isn’t. I picked up a batch of undead figures from Diehard and I started most of those, as well as some other stuff I started fiddling with as competition entries. So I assure you I am painting, just some of it I can’t show you yet.

Seems it was a very RED period.



C20 Troll

Foundry / Warmonger Goblin Runt on Mount

The Balgorg was pleasing to finish as it’s a mini I owned back in the 1980’s, somehow it got lost. Then eventually I bought it again and finally got around to finishing it.

The C20 troll is one of the whole set that I have. This one is the penultimate one completed. all the others have been blue, so it was a nice departure from Blue to do something a bit more red.

Goblin Runt: This Kev Adams Sculpt is one of 3 I have in this range and has been hanging around half- finished for ages, so I thought I’d finally slap the rest of the paint on it.

Next up is the stuff for painting competitions, I cant show it just yet…so it might be a quiet few months on the blog. as I aim to get about 18 miniatures completed.

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