Milliput changes?


Okay, about ten years ago (or so) when I last brought a box (10 packs) of Milliput and recently finished the last off and had to get a new box.. okay, it was starting to get a bit harder to mix by the end, but not bad ^_^

anyway.. I don't know when but they seam to have made some changes.. packages are now in sealed crimped packs instead of nice little bags with a sticker tie, so FAR harder to close up for protection, colours (this is for the normal yellow-grey) is far paler.. but I don't know if that's cause my stuff just got richer in colour over the years but I don't think so.. and it's far softer at first.. even taking into account the age of my old stuff, this new lot is more.. chewing gum soft..

... No clue why commenting on this but thought it was interesting... when this stuff has dried I might be able to give a better view on it but.. Pretty sure they have changed the recipe in the last 10 years.. and I'm in two minds about the .. kinda worse wrapping of each stick.. anyone got more recent experience then 10 years old stuff (oh and it's got a QR code on the box.. that's.. a change.. pointless but there you go..)


yep.. clearly changed.. dries well an stuff but very pale compare to what I'm used to and expect...
wonder what they changed..


I got told by a guy in a model shop that they had to change the formula a few years back as it had some fairly toxic stuff in it. Not sure how true that is.


that.. seams a bit unlikely.. you got alot of scaremongering by people who don't quite know things (I'm no expert but seam to know way more then alot of people who.. repeat stuff) who like to say all putties are carcinogen but.. yeah.. information is extremely shaky and doesn't have any scientific evidence. As, like Green stuff, Milliput has uses and is used for water stuff, so.. very unsure about that. Sure, it's only been around since the end of the 60s but... maybe but I would take such info with a grain of salt.. but possible..

twisted moon

packages are now in sealed crimped packs instead of nice little bags with a sticker tie, so FAR harder to close up for protection
i think this varies from pack to pack. i have had both recently, the most recent pack had the recloseable bags again.