Realms of Miniatures MGT Update 3 - Adjustable legs

Blog: Realms of Miniatures
Owner: Dreamfish
Author: Dreamfish
Post: MGT Update 3 - Adjustable legs

A double MGT set has been claimed! White Knight, know from WK's Miniature Imperium decided to take the plunge. Many thanks for his contribution. Be sure to check out his blog and his wonderful collection of Renaissance themed fantasy miniatures.

Another table has been claimed while writing this update. It seems like the campaign is starting to take off. Again many thanks for your contribution. This leaves us with only 6 more tables to go!
left: old static leg; right: new adjustable leg​
Some might have noticed a difference in the legs on the pictures shown on the blog or on the gallery section of the campaign website. This is due to some improvements that have been applied after the prototype table was made. The new version has adjustable legs while the prototype table has static legs. The picture above shows both versions side-by-side.

So why the need for adjustable legs? First, the adjustable legs are lighter, have lower production costs and are removable for easy packaging. Secondly, the legs adjust themselves to uneven floors for stable footing. Thirdly, they are required when combining multiple MGT sets together to form one table.

Let me elaborate the last statement. We know the table has a slight downcurve due to the 1 mm space margin between each connection point. The longer the table, the bigger the downcurve. When combining two or more tables together to form one big table, you have four extra legs at your disposal. These extra four legs are used to give extra support to the table. See the picture below.
Two MGT sets combined together to form one big table​
You need adjustable legs to span the distance without disturbing the downcurve, otherwise you get a "telephone line" effect which might push the gameboards apart from each other. Adjusting the outer legs at a higher level and the inner legs at a lower level, prevents the "telephone line" effect from happening.

The leg consists out of three components. The aluminium bar, a metal-threaded insert and a standard machine feet. All of which are easily replaceable when damaged.

The parts that form up an adjustable leg.​

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