Medieval Squats Army Project WIP


OK, so I haven't been much active on the picture posting front lately and I have had a hard time keeping track on what is really going on on the internets....

But it doesn't mean I haven't been up to anything. I have been working on several miniature project, but I have also been working on a lot of stuff not related to this hobby and at the same time my computers have been failing me and I ended up deleting my Windows XP and I now run on Linux.

All in all the last couple of months have been pretty stressfull for me, but I still wanted to show some of the stuff I have been working on.

One project I have been working on for several years now (and getting nowhere with) is my Medieval Squat Army. At first I just wanted to buy a few models, paint those before buying more and so forth, but I ended up with a rather huge army and I quickly stalled when I found out that it was just too much and I didn't enjoy painting units in huge batches at a time.

So I finally decided to just paint single models or only a few at the same time. So now I am actually getting somewhere with the project and I really enjoy painting these models.

Non of the miniatures are 100% finished yet, but on the picture below you are able to see a batch of the ones which are closest being to done.


This brings me to a couple of questions, related to Oldhammer Dwarf Army, which I was hoping you good folks of Oldhammer Forum could help me with.

1. What is a suitable unit size for an Oldhammer Dwarf unit? I am asking so I can plan ahead and maybe buy some movement trays.

2. Where so I get shields which will fit the old Citadel, Marauder and such size/style Dwarfs? I like to have a bit uniform look, at least to the Marauder units.

3. What do I type into Ebay? What I am really interested in now is the old Citadel Imperial Dwarfs and such types, but when I search I will mostly find single models or the search will be too broad I a will have to look through loads of pages with many new useless (to me) Dwarfs.



This is a great title for a thread.

These dudes are probably on some world isolated by warp storms.

But since I am focused on the RT/40k paradigm myself, I'll be of no use on your questions.

Really nice painting, of course!


I have "stolen" the title from the Warhammer Siege Book :grin: One of my favourites for wierd inspiration and source for awesome pictures!

Blue in VT

Looking Good Jonas...I like your figure selection and as always your Pjs are fantastic...even if WIP. Can you tell me about the wizard on the far right? I'm not familiar with that figure...?

I'll take a stab at you r questions.

1. For unit Size I think 20 is a pretty BIG unit for dwarfs and is what I shoot for...or 21 because 7x3 looks better in photos... 8-) But I do still run small units 12-14 for missile troops seems like a good size...and if you are talking about elite 15 can still pack considerable punch.

2. Shields are tough...and one niche I think a creative dwarf lover could make some money producing a whole line of dwarf shields. I use the original Dwarf ones from Marauder for almost all my figures...but they can be hard/expensive to get ahold of these days. These kind of topics are discussed in detail over on Bugman's if you want to head over there and do a search you will see lots of options people have tried. Dark Blade is also a good resource to tap for this information as he has done a lot of looking for suitable dwarf shields.

3. As for Ebay...I typically search by category...Warhammer-fantasy-dwarf...and refine to newly listed...occasionally adding "metal" or "OOP" to your search will narrow things down. Other than that you just have to sift through a LOT of listings and have an eagle eye for what you want.

Best of luck! I can't wait to see more medieval squats... :grin:




Thanks, your answers will help on the way here :grin: This is my first actual Fantasy Army, so it is new territory for me. I have a sellection of different old shields, but not enough for any full units of similar shields or an entire army.

The wizard is Black Tree Design old Harlequin Dwarf. I think the Harlequin Dwarfs are a mixed bunch, I don't really like all of them (yet), but I picked up a bunch of different ones during a 50% sale a couple of Christmas' ago. This wizard is one of my favourites of theirs, he looks pretty crazy and is fitting my idea of a wizard.


If you're not stuck to gw/marauder, White Knight has a line of nice Marauder style dwarfs that are all in production :)


I know :grin: and you can see one of them on the left!

So far I have miniatures from White Knight, Citadel, Marauder, Black Tree/Harlequin and Iron Claw.

I plan to buy some more from White Knight and some Heartbreaker too, but right now I think the ones I like best is the old Citadel Imperial Dwarfs or the Iron Claw, but they are just crazy :grin:


Jonas":1ma2cwxu said:
I know :grin: and you can see one of them on the left!

So far I have miniatures from White Knight, Citadel, Marauder, Black Tree/Harlequin and Iron Claw.

I plan to buy some more from White Knight and some Heartbreaker too, but right now I think the ones I like best is the old Citadel Imperial Dwarfs or the Iron Claw, but they are just crazy :grin:
Dude! You need to get the absolutely awesome old Metal Magic dwarfs from Midlam Miniatures:


Then there are Olley's Metal Magic dwarves, but I have no idea who sells them now. A few of them are being sold by Armorcast, but not all.

Regarding shields, I'm afraid I can't be of much assistance. EM4 have a dirt cheap shield pack:


I love Metal Magic :grin:

And I have one Metal magic Dwarf already, it is C1008o, it has been lying around since I was a kid, bought back then by my small brother. But if the scale of that guy is the same as the rest of the line, then they won't fit too well with any Citadel or similar sized Dwarfs.

The Olley Metal Magic Dwarfs might be more to scale and also look a bit more bulky.

But I might buy into them all at some point anyway. If they don't fit with my army I can always use them for other projects. :lol:
Ah, having not really known about Metal Magic until recently I'm seeing them everywhere-and I like what I see :)

Keep up the good work Jonas!


OK, looking through my Dwarfs I guess I should buy some nice movement trays for photos at first :lol: I can always buy some more different sizes for gaming... if that ever happens.


Jonas":94vxfbg9 said:
But if the scale of that guy is the same as the rest of the line, then they won't fit too well with any Citadel or similar sized Dwarfs.

The Olley Metal Magic Dwarfs might be more to scale and also look a bit more bulky.

But I might buy into them all at some point anyway. If they don't fit with my army I can always use them for other projects. :lol:

The C1008 are a bit on the small side but works well in a unit of their own. The Olley dwarves are much bigger, exactly like the Iron Claw dwarves. I can take some comparison pics if you'd like.


Jonas":30d47yti said:
I should be painting, not trawling through the internet for more minis :lol:
That's what I usually tell myself too... :? To little avail... :roll:

Well, get painting - cause I want to see more of your excellent dwa... squats! =)

Hm. Idea... Some of the full armour C1008 dwarves could actually work as heavily armoured ratlings. =)


So I am painting a bit on my Dwarfs again (Pictures soon, I promise)... And I bought some movement trays; 3 rows of 7 = 21, so i need to fill them out.

I am 3 men short in my Bugman unit, so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for alternatives to the normal rangers. I would like to find some miniatures from the old Citadel range which would fit well with the rest of the unit but still bring a bit of variation to the unit.


Lovely work, Jonas.
For WIP I am even more impressed.

I have a love for Imperial Dwarves myself and have a few, so I know what you mean about searching for what you want.
I have a certain look that I want for mine as well, and will not just add any old Dwarf to the collection.

Of course, mine have yet to see paint, but that is another point entirely.....