Malal Demon Prince


Some WIP pics of my Malal Demon Prince before I undercoat and paint.
It is the TA1 - A-Angor Demon King with some conversion based on the Malal apparition in the Kaaleb Daark comic (horns, third eye, extra fingers) and the greater demon from RoC (blade, tail).
For the purists, the conversion work is mainly additive, nothing has been removed from the original model although its required extensive filing and filling to overcome the old school casting.


A fellow traveler of the path for scale purposes

I See You

I'm contemplating adding dangly bits to the face and a face to the tail (which is already appropriately scaly) which would make it more recognizable but I don't like either feature in the original source images.


Wow my! Some serious work on this one! The base model is a really good choice because it has this aggressive pose that fits nicely with Malal and though i don't know the comic myself, I can clearly see the different elements used to describe Malal demons here so It is very good work (especially if you managed to leave the model unarmed).
I've been waiting for this conversion of yours for some time now and I have to say the wait was worth it. The P-crad blade has a very elegant and yet deadly look and just the right size I'd say. As Chico said, get on painting !