fair enough. While not so much with warhammer (For some reason), I'm a huge 'story' guy. My preferred video games are very story based, I prefer films which are story over plot (while some are okay, I tend to look down a bit on 'action films' cause the plot is as thin as tissue paper and only there to roughly give a reason for action). I can happily spend hours going through backstory and references and stuff..
I've done some things where I spent TONS of time writing backstory and stuff which doesn't really show in the final output, but I feel It kinda does as it gives reasons for things. Why did this character choose this choice which might seam out of character? well, it's because of this etc. (while I'll agree to some degree why people don't like it, One of the Sequel stories to the Last Unicorn (Sooz, a direct sequel to 'Two Hearts) does feature (spoiler) the main character getting raped. Some people moan that its not needed and the stories were always more family friendly, but if you look at references and comments, it isn't totally out of character or anything. The world in the first was shown as not being quite as nice as some 'wholesome' ideas, and sexuality plays a big part). For someone that just wants a nice story, the won't go into it and just say "Naw, didn't like that, wasn't necessary' but if you look into the story and stuff, it really makes alot of sense.
Though that said, I did find 3001: Final Odyssey was too much 'Look at the world of 3001' and the 'plot' was only there right at the end.
sorry, a little side-tracked ^_^ I like to have some basic 'lore' as in what Skaven are like, and then fit the themes with my stuff. For my Space Wolves, I'm working on a new Wolf Lord and I've used the theming (they are sci-fi norse barbarians) to help with ideas and theming for him. So bits are good. Just throwing away everything to come up with my own ideas which go soo far away, I would just think 'why I'm I doing these then? If it sounds like Chaos, why I'm I calling it Empire? etc.
but other then that, fine ^_^ relax, have fun