Legio’s Blood Angels for Rogue Trader

After a relatively long break from Oldhammer related activities I have decided to get back into the swing of things with a new project… well actually I am restarting an existing project that has lain dormant for some time; but that’s purely semantics.

Some of you may remember a couple of years ago I painted up a few Rogue Trader era Terminator Squads as Blood Angels for use in Space Hulk, along with a Terminator Captain and Terminator Librarian! Well these chaps caught my eye recently in my display cabinet and I decided that I would expand them into a full skirmish size force for use in games of Rogue Trader and 2nd Edition 40K. http://forum.oldhammer.org.uk/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24611


After scrabbling about in my bits box I uncovered enough old lead to make a full ten man tactical squad (with a heavy bolter and plasma gun) and a full ten man assault squad (with two flamers). These two squads will give me a nice core of infantry to base my force around. I also dug out some old era appropriate publications for reference material; including the White Dwarf Compilation from 1990 and the Angels of Death Codex from 1996.


After cleaning the models up and assembling them (with a ton of superglue) I undercoated them white and then base-coated them with a red spray to save time. The joys of modern sprays means that I could base-coat both squads in ten minutes rather than two hours.


I decided that fully painting two squads at once was a little ambitious and so I separated the tactical squad and decided to focus my efforts on completing them initially.


Here is the tactical squad partially completed with the base colours blocked out and initial highlights applied. Already I think they are looking pretty good.

As I want these guys to look as close to the old ‘Eavy Metal style as possible I am spending a fair bit of time on each one; but I have to say it is absolutely worth it. I am throughly enjoying painting the models of my youth and giving them the love and attention they deserve as classic pieces of gaming history!

If you want to see more of my work then feel free to follow my blog at:


Or alternatively I post fairly frequently on Instagram as: Legiocustodes1

Loose Loser

Really nice painting skills. Love those metal marines. Got only few of them ( my troops are plastic stiff ones with few metal ) and they're different from those plastic ones. Like this metal better. Can't wait for those characters painted.