Lead and Steel - 2025

Heads up for those who may not already be aware: Lead & Steel - Oldhammer Sheffield 2025 will take place on 29/03/25
Socials with further details (including the event mini!):


wasn't Meta the second moon? the one that Jeff Tracy was the first man to land on and was caught in Earth Orbit after the Nuclear explosion which knocked the moon out of Earth Orbit back in 1999?

Sorry.. Don't mean to go off topic but.. just felt like I wanted to say this ^_^
i'd like to come, but i avoid meta. is there any information elsewhere, or a way of contacting the organisers, please?
The event page is public, so you “should” be able to view it?
If not, these are the details:
Crookes Social Club

Lead & Steel is back for another year. Come along to play old-school GW games and meet others who play them too. Play in "Far Corfe" our participation game, book yourself a table and bring along your own favourite game from back in the day and enter the painting competition for the chance to win prizes from some of our fantastic sponsors.