Amateur Hour Lang Knecht

Blog: Amateur Hour
Owner: Dieselhorst
Author: iemattias
Post: Lang Knecht

Here's another one from the Archives of Unpublished Hobby Photos, one of the few sculpts I have actually finished!

I call him a Langknecht. A twisted and mutated warrior of the wyrdwold. I finished him in, I think, 2021? I had ambitions to sculpt him some friends, and maybe I still will some day.

I also have ambitions of molding and dropcasting him in pewter, but the RTV mold rubber I purchased at the time for the purpose is now over three years old, and that stuff is supposed to have a limited shelf-life, so I'm afraid to use it.

If anyone out there reading this has experience using old two part silicone/rubber, I'd appreciate a comment! Even if it's just tips on disposing of it.

Or you can, you know, tell me what you think of the sculpt :)

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