Landsknecht Skaven


The first of a regiment of 6 elite Skaven.

The story behind this little epiphany is quite a simple one - I was trying to sort my skaven at one point and had divided them into the spear fellas and the night runners and the characters and they all just looked so boring and rather feral. Ok, sure they are rats and I painted them like that. But why cant rats be fancy and just a little bit posh. I then went on to repaint my spear rats in whites, apricots, muted greys and mouse colours with cute speckles and patches. More like house rats rather than sewer or wild rats.

This then gave rise to the idea of the elite Landsknecht unit. Luckily my partner had some puffy sleeves left over and what I didn't have I green stuff'd.

Here is the first of a few - not fully finished but you get the idea.


  • landskav01.jpg
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Asslessman is French and likely he wont be able to resist this idea :lol: .

Perhaps I should start working on a Ratprechaun......damn, I have done it again.


Really great! I love how the skaven can be bent into any shape. A renaissance look is a good idea, I think this period fits the skaven with its lot of treachery and vile manoeuvers.

theottovonbismark":17y17ees said:
Asslessman is French and likely he wont be able to resist this idea :lol: .

Perhaps I should start working on a Ratprechaun......damn, I have done it again.

Thanks mate, now I have the idea to make 4 "mousquetaires" oh and it means I HAVE to do cardinal Mazarin too... :shock: :?

Is here a cure for an excess of imagination? I think we shoul both have it.

See Skittifink, this place is a place where idea don't get thrown lightly, they always make their way... :mrgreen: