Kill Zone minis

So I have finally started in on Kill Zone/Combat Zone. They have a delightfully Rogue Trader feel to them. Seemingly every 80's action movie is represented in the line. To start I have painted 5 Savages and 3 Skeletal Robots. The robot with grenade launcher had both his ankles break just from the pressure of applying a drybrush. I glued it while the metal was still hinged together, but I have fears for its long-term strength. So he might become scenery soon!


Got to love those old Copplestone sculpts. The savages were the highlight of the range for me.

Are those Gorkamorka bases?
Citizen Sade":734vx3np said:
Are those Gorkamorka bases?

Yes. I intend to put all the Savages and Scavengers on Gorkamorka bases, and then track down two to four 28mm pickup trucks, jeeps, el caminos, etc. for them to perch in.