Kev Adams and Friends


As you may know Foundry are selling the old self portrait Kev did when he was with them, and including a random selection of his Snorklings to raise funds for Goblinaid.

Well I couldn't resist painting mine straight up when it arrived!

The Snorklings are brilliant and I'll have to invest in some more to add to my Snotling horde

and Kev himself -

As I missed the original release of this mini I'm not sure as to the significance of the voodoo mask and wooden pipe - any ideas?

Also if anyone knows how to reduce image size using the forum code let me know - still having issues with my crappy old camera and these pics could do with reducing a little! I know on the LAF you can add something like size=600 x 500 to the image code but it doesn't seem to work here.

Fimm McCool

I love those snorklings, they'd be ace additions to my horde... is anyone doing pick 'n' mix or the whole batch of them?


Cheers Chico - good for you. I look forward to seeing them painted up!

I did think of you Fimm when I saw then! Apparently there's around 117 of the little blighters and there was some talk of plans of re-releasing Kev's stuff in the future. I think the only way of getting your hands on them now is with the little Kevin mini.

Mind you give them an email - you never know :mrgreen:


I have a nice selection of these. (including some spares).
Happy to do swaps if anyone gets doubles.

Very nice paint jobs by the way.
I have a handful half painted ... got distracted by another project. :grin:

Fimm McCool

Thantsants":3in10nf6 said:
I did think of you Fimm when I saw then! Apparently there's around 117 of the little blighters and there was some talk of plans of re-releasing Kev's stuff in the future. I think the only way of getting your hands on them now is with the little Kevin mini.

Mind you give them an email - you never know :mrgreen:

There was talk that after the Goblinaid event they might be re-releasing them, but didn't want to compromise the Adams release. Don't think I can do 24 packs of Goblinaid in the hope of getting them all... what would I do with all the Kevs?!!! Plus that's a price tag of £2 per model, a little steep even for charity.

If, however, anyone feels charitable and wants to give to Goblinaid and then churck some little greenies my way I can see what's lying in my paypal account.... :grin: