Jadawins 3rd edition Orcs and Goblins!


Ok, Ive never done a painting blog before so I am a bit apprehensive about this, however here goes.

So ive been in the hobby for 25 years or so now, played GW stuff all the time especially WFB. More recently I have moved on to Bolt Action and Warmaster but ill try to keep this blog OT.

I have a long time gaming partner and we have always insisted that our games are painted models only, this means I have a large collection of armies, Skaven, Chaos, Undead and O+G all painted to various standards but all for 6,7,8th editions of Warhammer. Just after Christmas my friend and I decided to go back to the beginning and collect and paint some 3rd edition armies, I chose O+G as they were my first.

So in this blog I hope to show how I am progressing, and also hope that any C+C will inspire me to keep going and not get distracted by other things, like my wife and daughter (only kidding :lol:).

So: this was the first model I painted for 3rd, now strictly speaking this isnt oldhammer its one of the brilliant Kev Adams models from Crooked Claw so here goes.



Wow that actually worked (ive never used imgur before so..)

a few mates for the gobbo


An old hammer orc, one of Harboths archers , really bad pic. One thing I really need to work on is using a camera I am bloody hopeless.


And a finished unit of orc archers, C+C welcome, hope you like them so far ill try and post new pics as I paint them!



Slightly better pic of the gobbos, whats noticable for me here is just how close up photography shows your mistakes! Look at the chainmail on the end guy ha ha. I should point out that I have bought a new drybrush since he was painted so that wont happen again honest ;)



Some Wip crossbows, I never understood why GW took the crossbow option away from orcs. It is so much more fluffy for them to use basic, easy to master weapons like a crossbow rather than a bow that takes years of practice to master but, hey ho.


Ive had an ebay splurge recently, so yet to paint are 10 more crossbows, (currently in the Fairy Power spray dip), 20 Rugluds orcs inc command (awaiting dip), a man mangler and some pre slotta fanatics.

A question for anyone who knows, the man mangler ive bought is obviously very old and the metal looks very dull, should I wash it or treat it in any way before painting? or will it be fine as is.



Dull, dark grey is fairly common oxidisation of old lead based metals. In itself not a huge issue but I like to give dulled metals a polish with some fine grade wire wool on a toothpick and/or some 2000+ grit wet and dry paper to make them shiny again :grin:

Of greater importance is that if you have any sodium hydroxide drain cleaner or another base (aka alkali) then it is always a good idea to give models a soak in that and and then scrub with an old, stiff toothbrush. This should help to prevent (further) damage from any acids that have started to corrode the metal (often called 'lead rot', and tends to leave white, crumbly areas). Be aware that neutralising acids on lead miniatures will result in toxic stuff so sensible precautions should be taken such as good ventilation and solvent resistant gloves. Admittedly the risks on items this small are limited, but since heavy metals can get into the body quite easily but don't tend to get out again repeated exposure is bad!

This is good practice with any lead based models even if they initially appear sound since any acid already on them will corrode the metal even after painting.

Also remember that the acids from our skin and from paper/cardboard will corrode metals so store them in plastic, handle all lead based minis with gloves and prime the models asap.


No problem. I really ought to add that a healthy coat of polyurethane based varnish is also recommended!

Look forward to seeing the models painted. If you keep the standard of the orcs already posted then we have another great greenskin collection on the rise.


Thankyou for those kind words Protist.

So 4 xbows very nearly finished, had a bit of a problem with the xbows on these, as you can probably gather these are stripped minis but there was residue of 20 year old glue, possibly 2 part resin, that I couldnt get off the weapons or the hands. Anyway reasonably pleased with how these have turned out. Hoping tomorrow to strip the others and get them primed.



Great to see more Orcs & Goblins! I like your choice of naturalistic colours and especially the skin tones. I agree, Orcs need more crossbows! I only have a handful of those, not painted yet. I assume Orcs don't have the skill or patience to construct crossbows, so they just use those they can take off Dwarfs.