I am coming to BOYL 2025


Garth normally looks to put it live around April. Given I've promised him I'll write a booking system for it I should really get on with it (to be fair I have drafted out the architecture now!)

A trip to BOYL should make for a lovely birthday present! :)
Fingers crossed my work schedule fits, it hasn't so far. Sadly there is no such thing as holidays in my line of work, I'm either there or not, it's 50/50 but so far it's always a miss. Maybe this time


She may actually come, she is my main WFB and boardgames opponent :razz:
I have a Cat. Not as involved as my late Cat (who died last year. the two were pretty close with her loving to mother the one I got left) but he likes to join in at times. Wife probebly plays by the rules more.