Doris Plunger's Lead Mess HeroQuest: the revival!

Blog: Doris Plunger's Lead Mess
Owner: DaddyOrChips
Author: terryshithole
Post: HeroQuest: the revival!

A while ago I noted that Avalon Hill’s revival of HeroQuest was on sale, and having heard that it is mechanically the same but with more modern production values, I thought this would be a cool thing to have. It’s pretty nice! I’ve painted all the minis from the box set now so here they are. these are quick and dirty, to get them on the board asap. The minis are pretty good, but not great. They look ace from a distance, but the moulding isn’t fantastic close up. So we get minis that need detailed work that you can’t give them. A similar problem to the original HeroQuest minis! Sorry about the bad lighting. I have also included a photo of them snugly stored in their tray, which is a great addition to the box and one that GW should think about! Also, its great that this game is priced for a family game rather than a collector game, and it been enough of a success that all the original expansions and some new ones have been added. I bet GW are kicking themselves for giving up the trademark! I’ve since picked up two of the new expansions so will be painting them one of these years!

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