Hard Core Baby

How many of you came back into the world of oldhammernyess after some time away, and how many of you hardcore peeps never went away?

For me:
I got into Warhammeryness around the end of WFB 2nd edition and stayed until just after 4th came out.
Then I drifted into various RPGs other than WFRP for a few years then the hobby eluded me for about 15 ish years?

I then got back into it about 5 ish years ago via WFB 3rd edition using 10mm models, and then about 2 months ago dipping into WFB 3rd edition proper, with 25mm citadel models.

I think that makes sense?
Let me know if it is gibberish.


Got into end of 3ed, start of 4ed (though technically I personally started with Heroquest and Space Crusade, Space Hulk, Battlemasters before moving to WFB and 40K), limited people to play and limited funds lead to leaving WFB before 5ED came and left 40K around I think 3ed.. they had released the Nekrons and then had to kinda say sorry, the reasons they were crap was because they were designed for the next version but they wanted to release them a bit early.. Can't quite remember the wording and where they was. While still playing 40K, gave Necromunda a try, hated it.. never played again. First edition.

Always interested in gaming, mostly got back into it a while back when I kinda have some money and interest to pick up again, probably about 4-6 years ago for Citadel, though still have huge problem with very limited to no-one to play with, So limited (trying to work out decent Solo play runs for WFB but not really possible), however about a year ago I was ale to get a couple of old friends to get a small gaming group which meets 4 times a year for mostly Heroquest. Though with only 4 times a year, It'll take some time to get through the books.

But had some various others for most of the time and quite a bit of Heroquest including at Collage, where I was lucky to pick up a complete set which wasn't the 'family' set, so I could take to collage and could play, where we had up to 6 people games. That was.. early 2000s.. damn I feel old ¬_¬

Any good?

Fimm McCool

I chucked it all in when I was 16 and went and made real size fantasy stuff for ten years, then a housemate and a mate got me back into it. Shortly after the Oldhammer blogging scene started up and I never looked back.


I came to Warhammer via D&D at the time of 2nd edition. Kept going with 40K and WHFRP until about 1991 then didn't really touch them until my kids were old enough for me to think that maybe I should try to get them off their devices for a nano second. Bust out the old figures and let them loose painting them and got back into it myself. I then looked at the price of figures on ebay! Wasn't as bad as my old gaming mate who's parents chucked all his in a loft clearance (most of the classic dwarfs and RT era space marines :cry:).
Came in with WFRP and late 3rd WFB into 4th, 1st to 2nd 40k, then drifted away aside from keeping eye on the scene but not actively participating when I started college.
The Oldhammer blogs deffo caught my attention when they started picking up, then 7 years ago actually started reading WD and Black Library again.
Lockdown tipped me over the edge and started picking up new models, painting and digging out my own collection.


Originally got into wargaming when a couple of mates and I watched I think Blue Peter (or similar) and they featured wargaming. We bought some 1/72 minis from the local paper shop and made our own rudimentary rules. From there we got various games as presents (Dungeon Bowl being one of my fav’s but also Space Crusade, Space Hulk and a few others).

That lead us to GW and at the time Second edition 40k. We dabbled a bit in Fantasy and Epic but I was the only one really interested in those games so bought armies but rarely played.

Then computer games started to take over, and ultimately we discovered cars, beer and girls (not always all 3 together….) so the tiny soldiers got put away in boxes.

Around 12 years ago we were moving my mother out of her house and I came across my epic and fantasy stuff. Sadly she had given away my Space Wolves army which included the famous RTB01. I took the stuff home and with some encouragement from my wife got back into the hobby. Discovered a few people who had a similar journey and are all now back into it plus through one of the Epic Forums met a life long player who many of you will know. We play regular and share our wargaming progress in a little WhatsApp group.
Interesting that so many of us have come back to childhood pleasures.

As a kid, I was obsessed with toy soldiers. Timpo, Britain’s, Airfix, Matchbox etc. Lots of WW2 as that was the thing back in the day. This got put aside until years later a mate and I discovered racks of Citadel Miniatures on one of our regular Saturday jaunts into Leeds touring the record & alternative clothes shops. This developed into playing WFB2 and a bit of Blood Bowl from time to time.

My mate and I ending up doing our degrees at the same place, dropped WFB, dabbled in AD&D and ended up playing MERP heavily. This ended when we graduated and scattered. I took up historical gaming and donated most of my old lead to raise funds for the club.

Soon after I came across Richard ‘Otherworld’ Scott online. He sold me the BDD1 Dungeon Adventurers boxed set and the collect stuff from my youth switch was flicked on. I must thank him properly some time.

Dabbled in WFB again (5 & 6) but quickly tired of the GW merry-go-round. These days, it’s mainly Oldhammer figures (and modern stuff with an old school vibe) and games like Mordheim, Inquisimunda and AK47 Republic.

twisted moon

started with wfb2 in 1986 and played that, blood bowl, block/mega mania dungeonquest, wfb3 and wh40k:rt and talisman (which my friends bought into) along with wfrp, merp, aff, tmnt and t&t until going to university. as an undergraduate in my first post-graduate job and during my masters i live roleplayed during term time and continued wargaming and roleplaying during the holidays. started painting miniatures to a plan and in quantity after my masters and then joined the university roleplaying society whilst doing my doctorate, along with trying to convince some non-gaming friends to try non-warhammer wargaming. upped my wargaming when we moved after my phd and bought a house with a garage i could convert into a games room.
Oooh yeah I remember that now. TA
I almost forgot about that too, my entry to RPGs was via the Fighting Fantasy game books and I used the Fighting Fantasy – The Introductory Role-playing Game and Dragon Warriors as my first RPG systems. I think the FF book mentioned White Dwarf and Citadel miniatures which set me off seeking them out… Ah nostalgia… :roll:


I drift in and out of gaming enthusiasm, even now. But I always wind up coming back when the pace of life allows.

I’m fired up to game and paint these days.

Until the last few weeks, I hadn’t done either since February 2023.

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