GSW Brush Rinser


may be pointless but would be far better then the little pot I use right now, I decided (when getting a few things from them) to try GreenStuff Worlds' "Brush Rinser".. basically, a bottle of water (250ml) which pours into a troth, down into a little sink where it sits. you wash the brush in the sink (using the ridges) and when the water is dirty, push the flush button, a rubber seal releases so the water goes into it's tank and then fills up again. No problem..

they sell on it's No more accidental spills which. yes I have had problems with... might only be a small pot but limited space and all.. it has been knocked a few times so takes a bit of space but looks fair enough and they had an offer on it and some other things right now.. not a huge offer but fair enough.

well.. Put it all together as stated in little manual.. Not as bad English as some Chinese KO stuff but not natural either, but good enough (GSW are spanish). Put some water in the bottle to test, it started to flow down the troth.. filled up the little sink, filled to the top, started to go over the edges and I got my legs a bit wet before I stopped it... So.. huh.. First impression, not that impressed.. I though the water level, with how water flows and the surface tension would kinda keep the water in the bottle at a set level so it wouldn't just keep coming out.. table is pretty flat.. watched there little 'how to put it together' video, noticed I got it all the same (down to the bottle being a little loose fit).

Anyone have any experience with this thing to some ideas why I might have screwed up? looking at it... it does seam that the drain hole on the bottle are a bit far from the base so they wouldn't quite correctly level out to stop it from over flowing all the time.. but that can easily be me not quite seeing the level right...


Not tried one, they looked a bit gimmicky for me, but I guess in a sale sometimes it can be interesting to try new things. I do have a similar container concept for solvents so you only have a small amount exposed for evaporation at any one time that I picked up in a sale. However even that is a bit of a faff and I don't always bother, but it does work.

Personally I used to use disposable plastic cups and used to knock them over from time to time. Now having moved to solid glass jam jars (~2/3rd full) they are so much harder to knock by accident. If I was more accident prone then I'd glue (araldite or other 2 part) an old CD or HDD platter or something similar to the bottom of the jar which would probably totally eliminate knocks without making it too much pain to empty and wash.

Not that any of that helps your current situation of course - sorry!


^_^ yeah. Kinda running low on little measuring cups (so useful for small resin batches or the like... until the plastic brakes) using some HDD platters makes sense for the weight.. I need to get back to trying to make a nice clock from an old broken harddrive.. not one of these stupid simple things where people just put a clock mec into one, but using the stepper motors and stuff.. make it really nice looking ^_^ but it's just not happening right now.


okay, been able to try it out a bit more, got it to not over flow.. I think I must have something either not connected quite right or wasn't as flat a surface as I thought (though I used the same surface since). I think the sink area could do with some amount of a rim as I was a bit worried about splashing about while rubbing the brush on the ridges to help clean it, though it did work pretty well, and mixed with my soap seamed very good. worth upgrading some a pot? debatable.

Like I said, the sink could do with a bit of a rim as when the brush goes into the water it raised to a point when it could have over spilled without too much trouble but It didn't, so that's okay. I would also think some form of 'switch' would be nice. In that I don't really have the space to have it sitting on the table full of water all the time, so some switch or a block which would go over the water when you want it to stop re-filling would have been nice..

Also this goes for redoing the bottle too.. When you place the fill bottle of water onto the tray, it needs to go on at an angle cause the water is coming out of the bottom of the bottle.. If you already have some water in the 'dirty water' tray, then it might be a bit annoying to turn the whole thing at an angle to refill.. though you could just take off the lid I guess.. but some form of bit which would be rotated over the pour hole to stop it would be much better. In fact, I'm thinking about how I can add such a thing of my own making.


It is a bit small for my no.12 brushes (I use one for primer and one for varnish as they are good for coating large areas, and as said, there needs to be a bit of a rim but other then that, not too bad as size really for miniature brushes. I only got it cause I was ordering some other things from them and it kinda made up the order and it was on offer so 'why not'. $8 USA is about.. £6.20 so yeah, cheaper but it's not like I'm in the market for a new one right now anyway ^_^ but thanks for the info
I use two cups of water, or currently a two compartment cup, to keep water for metallics and non-metallics seperate. How is it with these brush rinse wells, wenn you drop the water, will metal flakes stay, or will they all be washed away? Thank you.


well, basically it's removing the bottom of the well, so the water dries, but then as new water flows, shouldn't be too bad.. will have to test