Great Champion of Nurgle - now completed

Timbor-Rex - great champion of Nurgle (his name may change)

Thanks to Timbor for the minis. I got to work straightening, filing, soaking, brushing and greenstuffing, snipping, gluing and now I wait for it all to dry.


Gift of Nurgle - Face of a plaguebearer (I turned him into a cyclops)
Chaos Attribute #1 Growth 3x size.
Chaos Attribute#2 Plaguebearer - Creeping Buboes

I'm sure that's just the beginning...


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Re: Great Champion of Nurgle

Quoting from psiekier:

"The weird-looking guy is Alakhai, Nepharite of Algaroth, from the Warzone/Mutant Chronicles line of games. Looks like his sword has broken off."

As soon as I saw him I knew he was gonna be my new Nurgle champ.

I used a spare Orc arm for the hand which matched perfectly - a VERY old sceptre from... Duplo?.. I think, with the crucifix cut off, a chain from the Marauders set and the flail from the Chaos Knights set.

The rest was all cut, file and greenstuff.


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Fimm McCool

Re: Great Champion of Nurgle

Nice work, you've made a fairly ugly (in the wrong way!) mini look positively radiant! Amazing what some facial reconstruction will do! :grin:
Re: Great Champion of Nurgle

I remember seeing that Nepharite on LAF! You've really done a great job with him, and the single-eye conversion reveals his existing Plaguebearer-ness.

If you ever see the Nepharite of Demnogonis with Plague Cannon, he makes an amazing 40K Nurgle champ.

Re: Great Champion of Nurgle

All done and based.

Used a citadel red wash on the buboes - wow they look painful!

Used a brown, brown red for the rust on the Great Flail with orange stippling.

When doing up his cloak, I research some google images on "old drapes" and found this hideous goldish green stanky old 70's curtains that looked like they had never been washed.
His prize from sacking a temple.

Look out for that Nurgle Death's Head at his sash. The thing looks like it was made from the skull of a Bloodletter.


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Aye, he is quite large, but a good choice for a champ.

For 3rd ed Attributes his size actually gives him a -1WS and -1 Initiative, but he rocks on Strength and Toughness and Movement. Additional Wounds too!
The buboes slow him down a little, -1 M, -1 Initiative (very painful!)
The 2 handed Great Flail slows him down more too - 2 Initiative but +2 Str
Gore attack on charge +2 to hit


His Nemesis is going to be Zhim of Khorne from Skittifink.