
I was wondering how to paint my ghouls, so I took to WFB's bestiary to have a read.

Turns out they have dark rancid skin, who knew?

Has anyone here painted them like that, my initial thoughts were pale or grey, but now...


the one Blood bowl Ghoul I got painted up is kinda a blue.. not very dark but with the pus and stuff.

I think Dark is more a reference to what happens to skin as it necrosis.

If you don't know what that looks like.. I recommend NOT looking up some nice images of people who have had necrosis affect parts of there body as it rots away while still alive, leaving puss'ie filled holes and.. well.. I could go on since it doesn't greatly bother me but I know what some people are like ^_^ Still got the other Ghoul to paint up and.. well... most of the others
I am painting one now, a sort of greenish brown colour.
It feels wrong somehow and I will decide if to keep it.
Matters being complicated by the colour Ghoul Grey :|


I'll be interested to see your results. I've got all mine on the painting desk todo pile. Currently primed a lightish grey, they were going to get some kind of wash with the citadel purple contrast paint maybe mixed with some black as my base. So I was aiming for a flesh/grey with hints of purple pin the shadows (rather than red/brown). Was I suppose thinking of bruised flesh. I think we've had a few ghouls shown off here - I seem to remember some nice green-ish ones not that long ago.


I think I'd be rather pleased had I turned them out, wondering if I should rethink my purple... I think you've got some good looking (for flesh eating monsters) ghouls there!