Acceptable Radiation Göran Borgerson, Viking Warrior

Blog: Acceptable Radiation
Owner: Ardyer
Author: Andrew
Post: Göran Borgerson, Viking Warrior

Göran joined Hrolf and Snorre on the trail of those pesky Anglish. After wiping out their village, Alfarinn learned that the church's gold and silver had been scurried off by a few of the locals to protect it. Alfarinn sent the three of them out to find the treasure. Surely, with all that weight slowing them down, the Anglish couldn't be too had to find or too far ahead of them.

-Excerpt from the Saga of Alfarinn the War-Maker

Finished up another one of these awesome Red Box Games Vikings to go with my slowly enlarging Viking horde. Unfortunately, Göran is another victim of my poor note taking. This is especially vexing, considering I am super happy with how the various browns came out and really, really wish I remembered how I did that!

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