From the Night Shift

Every Month I spend one week working a night shift, I just have to be here and stay awake. I spend some of each night painting my miniatures. Here are the ones I have done so far this shift.

Gimbrin Finehelm from Terror of the Lichemaster.

C25 Bob Naismith Minotaur, Longteeth Legsmasher

C46 Townsfolk Old Man as well as Sam Bird from Blood on the Streets

C18 Night Horrors Pit Fiend as well as the guardian Demon from Shadows over Bogenhafen.

3 more night shifts to do


Those are very nice, the blue on the demon is very nicely done and I love the clean contrast with his eyes. All of them are really nice crisp clean paintjobs, really very good. Also I like the simple basing, just complements the minis.


Hey, that's a good way to spend a night shift. :) I met a fellow in New Jersey who had a job a bit like that; just had to stay awake and keep a half an eye on some screens. So he painted. Got a lot done! Some eye catching stuff there. I like your minotaur and your older male civilian especially
Krell, a champion of Chaos brought back from the grave to terrorise the Frugelhorn Valley.
Old pre slotta stuff can be a real challenge for me, I got a B in art but never took it further. Over the years I have learnt that simply keeping in the lines and using contrasting colours is enough to look nice, which can be a challenge on older stuff. I'm happy though and tomorrow night I'm going to finally pluck up the courage to paint the lichemaster himself.
A week of night shifts well spent, it's 4 weeks till my next night shifts so I have time to decide what's next. I have most of the C18 zombies so I might do those, so MJ has his troops to lead. I feel a new army coming on.


Lovely. I think you were right to go for the bright colours, just feels really "right" for this gang. I shall look forward to the next night shift! :)
Something different, working on a Blood on the Streets project. I intend to create Sir Barney Weller's army from that scenario pack. Luckily all the miniatures are still available through Foundry.

On the left of each pair is the original intended miniature that corresponds with the counters and artwork in the booklet. On the right is the miniature chosen for the scenario pack set. I prefer the originals and they also have a matching mounted version (which makes sense as they are mounted in the army counters)
I will paint up the mounted versions next.
My favourite is sir Justin Tagg with his Henry V bowl cut, as a youth I thought he looked silly but now that I'm old I understand that anyone with hair like that was probably a psychopath and best avoided. Still a work in progress, bases and stuff.