The Lead Collector First Edition Space Hulk

Blog: The Lead Collector
Owner: Anthony_BREWS
Author: Anthony Bo
Post: First Edition Space Hulk

Space Hulk was one of the my first encounters with Games Workshop as a child, and definitely one of my gateways into the Games Workshop hobby. I still remember buying the box from one of the British department stores (maybe Marks and Spencer). I was probably around nine at the time, and my mom allowed me to buy it for Christmas. I did a right botch job on the paint, but I didn't exactly have the premier tools (or skills) as a nine year-old.

The box and minis have disappeared in the mists of time, although I was lucky enough to pick up a complete first edition box (in relatively good condition) a few years ago. As I now have young kids of my own, I plan to entice them into the hobby with this classic game. To strengthen the appeal, I have painted the set in classic colors. I couldn't bring myself, however, to paint the original plastic terminators from the box (even nostalgia was not powerful enough to compel me to paint those models!). Instead, I painted the metal terminators that came in their own box, even though I never owned those as a kid. I hope you enjoy the pictures and some memories of your own.

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