War Bastard Fantasy Terrain

Blog: War Bastard
Owner: L'amour
Author: JDM
Post: Fantasy Terrain

Hi! I've been making a couple of bits of fantasy terrain recently. The intention is to use them for some forthcoming Burrows & Badgers gaming, but they will do for lots of fantasy boards. Its enjoyable stuff to make and satisfying to have finished.

The intention now is is to make a few more big rocks and a couple more fields/veg patches, plus I've got some Fogou walls to paint, so more terrain incoming.

In the snaps, the little gnomey man is an Oakbound goblin and the Robin Hood types are from Claymore Castings. Cheers!

A big rock. Perfect for hiding behind or climbing up.​

A small, ancient burial mound. What tiny hero lies here?​

Mrs Ethelwick's veg patch, and occasional archery range for some local rogues.​

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