Fantasy Maps


Well, just one new one, really. And mostly not even all that new. And . . . flawed. But acceptable. The major southern port city for a fantasy world called The Kingdom of the Isles. Not sure what country I had in mind when I started it. It'll come to me eventually. ;) I'm out of practice, and the lettering is . . . deplorable. But I'll redo it, maybe. Eventually.


Ti Pouchon

interesting! it's a map that tells a story. The bustling harbour town is always a great fantasy setting and this one with the river dividing the goody toe-shoes white houses from the eeeevil spooky black houses is a cut above the usual. I particularly like how one row of houses kinda meets the other at right angles to show their rivalry.


say the handwriting is bad, but you haven't seen my hand writing ^_^ never been great. Funny that I can paint words better then I can write them


^Ti Pouchon, One of the things I enjoy in making a map is trying to get a sense of history into the thing. And some of my maps refer back to maps I made when I was . . . ten? Rather smaller than I am now. Prtsmouth doesn't quite go back to the beginning, but it goes close, and there's at least one earlier version of the map to which this refers, with at least some of the same names and features. (House Moonrise, for instance, was already in the 1987ish version. As was St. Mark's.) If I make another version, or maybe I should say when, I think the class division you're seeing will be more obvious, as it's sort of innevitable in a river town. The north side of town is farther from the capital and the main road, and could probably stand to be a bit more industrial and worn down. (And everything should honestly be considerably less square. But I started this thing a long time ago and laid it aside, so I'm picking it back up for practice before I get serious, I suppose.)

^ManicMan, I understand that remark. I can paint things on tiny banner a couple of millimeters tall, but write it an inch tall on a page? Yeah, good luck. But I used to be better. (When I was taking class notes with calligraphy pens for practice.) In part it's probably time to give the blackletter the yo-heave-ho. But I also need to get back into it. Sit down and write. A lot.

^Igmdaniel, If you point out your house I can label it on the next version! :grin: There's a vacant manse if you're interested in the upkeep on something like that. Big rose garden. Not too many wars over them. Yet.


^Thanks! I definitely need to get back into practice more. I do occasionally draw maps to spec for selected friends and projects. This one was for a friends fantasy novel that she has over on Amazon. I screwed the original up trying to color it at a later point. The ink bled through the paper in a way I didn't expect. (It apparently wasn't the same supply of vellum I'd thought it was.)
