Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog Escape from Goblin Town

Blog: Malacassa's Oldhammer Blog
Owner: Malacassa
Author: Rob D
Post: Escape from Goblin Town

Beware of Channel Hopping

This was a bit of an impulse buy after switching over channels to see the Company of Thorin escape from from the goblins of the Misty mountains. And suddenly this is the next big project. After the scouring of eBay, I finally settled on a second hand copy, where most of the minis have been put together and undercoated. A few have been painted but they will all get a repaint.

Pluses & Minuses

The seller was upfront that the set may not be complete and the photos weren’t great but I was pretty confident Thorin (& the company) and the goblins where all included. And on those points I was right. But unfortunately Radagast was missing but on the other hand I did gain Keeper of the Dungeon, a metal Haradrim captain, a few LotR minis and bit of a dragon I can’t yet identify.

All suggestions welcome on the make of the mini above and any ideas on what I could do with it!

Long time readers of my blog will have followed my ups and downs as I painted the company of Thorin. But after all that work they have never made their way onto the gaming table, a problem which will hopefully be resolved soon.​

The goblins have been undercoated black which seems an odd choice for a mini that is predominately a very pale off-white. I plan to try using the purple shadow technique I used on some my zombies from last year to give them that suitably diseased look.

Friday Night Beer

I am trying something a bit different (for me) tonight which is the unfiltered Stella Artois which I am quite enjoying. It seems to have a better flavour but could just be the third bottle talking .


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