EPIC army cards and books?


I just had a gloriously 1994-coloured Squat army for Epic fall into my lap. It's a game I've always wanted to try, so I'm rather happy with that.
However, I have trouble sourcing the army books and the cards used for building armies. I've found some low-quality scans, but I'd like something that looks right. I can probably get incomplete card collections at various marketplaces, but that's a lot of hassle and expense.

Anyone know of a good source for the army cards for Epic?


For that edition you can generally pick them up on ebay for not crazy prices. So here are some Ork ones: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326419164218
currently at £3. A more expensive big set of counters, tokens and rulebooks and all sorts here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186907744823
for £55, if you need the rules as well that might be a good bundle. I expect if you keep any eye out some Squat ones will come along by themselves.

Otherwise I'd just make your own based off the low resolution pictures you already have and print them out - or just print out the armylist as one sheet rather than lots of cards.


they released army books for Epic/space marine/whatever they want to call it now? well.. more then what I knew ^_^:


For that edition you can generally pick them up on ebay for not crazy prices. So here are some Ork ones: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/326419164218
currently at £3. A more expensive big set of counters, tokens and rulebooks and all sorts here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186907744823
for £55, if you need the rules as well that might be a good bundle. I expect if you keep any eye out some Squat ones will come along by themselves.

Otherwise I'd just make your own based off the low resolution pictures you already have and print them out - or just print out the armylist as one sheet rather than lots of cards.
Thanks for the tip, I'll poke around a bit more. Just started looking. The main issue is that international shipping makes a lot of these prohibitively expensive or just not available -the Brits mostly don't want to ship internationally these days, and the Yanks are too far away :(


Sorry hadn't clocked that you were not in the UK. Yep shipping is a pain, it's not liable to get better on ebay to be honest as from Feb sellers only get paid when delivery is confirmed. So that's going to put people off sending stuff around the world I suspect.


Thanks for the tip, I'll poke around a bit more. Just started looking. The main issue is that international shipping makes a lot of these prohibitively expensive or just not available -the Brits mostly don't want to ship internationally these days, and the Yanks are too far away :(
If they are businesses, alot of Brits CAN'T ship to Europe now ¬_¬


Was going to make roughly the Eric suggestion: just make up your own. It's easy enough to just put all the stats in a spreadsheet like Excel or Open Office. And you can get fancier easily enough if you want to, adding pictures and suchlike. (I like to add in pictures of my own models.)


Thanks a bunch all! Suggestions very much noted. Now I've got a bulk purchase of old rules and cards in the mail, so we'll see what happens. I'll be back with more questions I'm sure.