Elven Attack Chariot Build Issues


I recently won one of these on Ebay and it turned up today. I've managed to work out how most of it goes together but slightly confused by the javelin, quiver and spear parts. I can see 2 holes on the side panels but no 3rd hole, so does these mean its up to you as to which 2 you use or am I missing something as to were the 3rd goes ???


Re: Elven Attack Chariot

'Choose two' was always my take on it.
All the ones I have seen only have two of the three.


Re: Elven Attack Chariot

Could do with some help from anyone who has actually put one of these buggers together. I've been doing some test fittings and I can't seem to get the 3 panels to fit to the chassis without there being large gaps. And if I try to remedy these gaps I end up with a couple of millimetres gap between the panels. Has anyone else had problems ? If so what was the solution. At the moment I'm guessing I'm going to have to try and get as near as possible and then pull out the greenstuff.