Blog: Random Idiot: Gaming Stuff from some random idiot
Owner: ManicMan
Author: Manic Man
Post: Eldar Mercenaries Unit
Warhammer 40K Eldar, originally referred to as ‘Space Elves’ are basically just that. The name ‘Eldar’ coming from Tolkin, where Eldar was the collective name given to some early encounters with Elves, and later used as the term for the ‘West-elves’. (a single one is an Elda). In 40K, they were believe to possibly have a common ancestor with Humans as physically, the only difference was there are sometimes slightly taller, thinner, paler skin and seen as ‘beautiful’. Basically, what is normally given to Elves in Fantasy. Not only that, but while it didn’t happen often, they could bread with Humans and half breeds were known.
For my Space Wolf army, I made up this band of Eldar Mercenaries. I had a job lot with 3 plastic 2nd/3nd Guardians and 2 Metal mercenaries by Tim Prow, over at Oldschool Miniatures (as ‘The Big Guns’ pair of adventurers).
The Colour scheme was partly based on old Rogue trader images (with the black patterning on the helmets not being anywhere near as good as it should be) and while I did not intent for it, does come off a bit close to the Alaitoc Craftworld colour scheme (Blue with Yellow Helmets). Wasn’t meant to be at all..
The Plastic Guardians are very Mono-pose with them just standing there, holding there Cannons so I decided to cut up 3 of them to give some changes.
The first pair is a non-edited Guardian plastic, next to one which I cut off the head and re-glued it on at an angle so he is more aiming, or atleast looking around the battlefield.
This pair is a Metal Tim Prow one with a Flamer, and a plastic guardian who I put on the head from a, I think Oathmark, plastic Wood Elf head.
And Finally, the other Metal Tim Prow, with the final plastic Guardian, who I re-angled the gun so it’s pointing up a bit. Doesn’t need to have too much change just to give a bit of variety in a skirmish group.
Of course, I then started to look through the Rogue trader rule book and… It’s a unit of 5 not 6.. Though 2nd edition (which is the main one I’ve played) when they expanded Eldar to an army, Guardians are between 5 and 20.
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Owner: ManicMan
Author: Manic Man
Post: Eldar Mercenaries Unit
Kicked out of their craftworlds, large planet ships they live in since the destruction of their home world, for reasons of being disinherited, psychotic, murderous or any number of crimes, or even just being ones who want the taste of adventure among alien races, some Eldar become mercenaries for hire working with the Imperium.
Warhammer 40K Eldar, originally referred to as ‘Space Elves’ are basically just that. The name ‘Eldar’ coming from Tolkin, where Eldar was the collective name given to some early encounters with Elves, and later used as the term for the ‘West-elves’. (a single one is an Elda). In 40K, they were believe to possibly have a common ancestor with Humans as physically, the only difference was there are sometimes slightly taller, thinner, paler skin and seen as ‘beautiful’. Basically, what is normally given to Elves in Fantasy. Not only that, but while it didn’t happen often, they could bread with Humans and half breeds were known.
For my Space Wolf army, I made up this band of Eldar Mercenaries. I had a job lot with 3 plastic 2nd/3nd Guardians and 2 Metal mercenaries by Tim Prow, over at Oldschool Miniatures (as ‘The Big Guns’ pair of adventurers).

The Colour scheme was partly based on old Rogue trader images (with the black patterning on the helmets not being anywhere near as good as it should be) and while I did not intent for it, does come off a bit close to the Alaitoc Craftworld colour scheme (Blue with Yellow Helmets). Wasn’t meant to be at all..
The Plastic Guardians are very Mono-pose with them just standing there, holding there Cannons so I decided to cut up 3 of them to give some changes.

The first pair is a non-edited Guardian plastic, next to one which I cut off the head and re-glued it on at an angle so he is more aiming, or atleast looking around the battlefield.

This pair is a Metal Tim Prow one with a Flamer, and a plastic guardian who I put on the head from a, I think Oathmark, plastic Wood Elf head.

And Finally, the other Metal Tim Prow, with the final plastic Guardian, who I re-angled the gun so it’s pointing up a bit. Doesn’t need to have too much change just to give a bit of variety in a skirmish group.
Of course, I then started to look through the Rogue trader rule book and… It’s a unit of 5 not 6.. Though 2nd edition (which is the main one I’ve played) when they expanded Eldar to an army, Guardians are between 5 and 20.
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