Dungeon Rooms: yet another project


My wife has recently taken up mosaicing and when she was ordering some tiles the other day I saw some marble ones that were *perfect* for making some dungeon tiles. Or almost perfect. They were only 20mm square, and as our group only plays Warhammer Quest (in terms of dungeon crawling) too small. However I had a look on some other website and found some 30mm square onyx tiles, with delivery only £35 for a square metre. More than enough for a whole dungeon.

I've also been looking at Songs of Darkness and Gold (or Gold and Darkness, or whatever) and I don't think this does use squares for movement. If this works out as an alternative then I might get some of the original tiles for 'special' rooms.



The laid out dungeon, all the tiles included in warhammer quest (except with only one objective room, all I need to start I reckon and I can then spend some more time doing different ones at a later date) and I've used less than half the tiles.

It does weigh a tonne mind you...


I'm not familiar with the dungeon-bashing version but the "regular" Songs of Blades and Heroes only uses three pre-defined distances, called short, medium, and long so that you can play using just three sticks cut to length. You could easily decide how many squares movement or range each equates to.



I'm assuming the dungeon version is the same.

Personally I'd rather use the sticks for movement, it would free me up to do some non 30mmx30mm tiled rooms.