Do You Like What You See?

Geroak II

Yes, I am happy with my efforts. Of course there's always something I could've done differently (maybe getting better results, maybe not) with each miniature, but then again I could keep polishing each figure till the big clock runs out and still might not be any happier with them.
I've learned that aiming for perfection is the best way to kill any enthusiasm for painting, so at some point miniature just needs to be called finished and be done with it. Further attempts to improve can continue with the next mini if I so choose.

I do like keeping things fresh and challenging myself by trying out doing something differently every now and then (with most miniatures).
It doesn't need to be anything grand, just using colour I rarely use can make the difference.


Tricky.. often very much not happy with my output. quite often I can see how I've improved but sometimes when I want some effect or something which I can't do but I try, I get annoyed how it's failed.. I keep trying cheques/squares and keep failing to do as well as I want.. and most guides I see are really bad (draw a grid. paint each square.. erm.. yes.. but that doesn't deal with any problems ¬_¬)
I don't like painting tbh, I'm not the greatest (basecoat, Ink, highlight and done) and I never like what I do. Same with music, I can't stand my own tunes. Might be a self esteem issue. I only paint because I owe it to my opponents to not use grey plastic.
Tricky.. often very much not happy with my output. quite often I can see how I've improved but sometimes when I want some effect or something which I can't do but I try, I get annoyed how it's failed.. I keep trying cheques/squares and keep failing to do as well as I want.. and most guides I see are really bad (draw a grid. paint each square.. erm.. yes.. but that doesn't deal with any problems ¬_¬)
We should both paint something with squares on, break out of our comfort zone etc.
Tend to get a little put off by the slow and “ugly phase” of painting (i.e. base painting), just need to trust the process and not be impatient…
Think I enjoy collecting, building and converting my minis more, but the satisfaction of a painted mini is great!


We should both paint something with squares on, break out of our comfort zone etc.
wonder what I got which it might work on... might have a clan rat in my current unit (I'm kinda waiting for this unit to be finished before I show photos and it is going pretty well) But I'll need to look to see if any can have squares..

Fimm McCool

I'm usually happy 2/3rds of the way through, frustrated and keen to finish by the end, then happy with the result. Then I look again 6 months after and am dissatisfied and want to try again. Then I paint something else and come back to them a couple of years later and think they're better than whatever my current output is!


I'm . . . mostly happy with my output? I've been busy, so I haven't had much lately. Too many other draws on my time right now. But honestly, even there, I have enough painted miniatures and they're well enough painted that I don't really feel a whole lot of cause to complain. More is better, and better is better, but I feel fairly satisfied. I have enough and good enough, even if it's not the most or best. I can play the games I want to play, and they look the way I want them to look, more or less. It's not a bad place to be.


Sometimes. But I have so much to do for the campaign that I can't be choosy. I need to churn stuff out, and I'm always looking for shortcuts. I feel more proud of conversions and scratch builds, than my painting.