DM's Dark Elves.

Just thought I'd pop these up to give myself a shove to get 'em finished and up...


This is what I've got to get finished of my vintage Citadel/Marauder Dark Elf Army. This is about a third of it, (the other 2/3 is painted) and once it's done, the army will be fully 3rd Ed Compatible, and about 3000 points or so, including characters.

And here's a unit of Marauder scouts I've already finished. Apologies for the crap photos, they're phone ones...


I don't do New Years Resolutions, but one of the resolutions I definitely didn't make was to get more gaming projects actually finished. These have been sat around for the last couple of years, since I went on a massive eBay binge and bought the whole army in the space of a week or so, including a load of Melnibonean Cavalry.

I'm hoping to get the army finished by the end of the month. Honest! :lol:
Lovely collection of old lead there. Get them done as well as those scouts and they will be a sight indeed.

Funny, the shade in the photo of the scouts makes it seem like the unit should be called "The 5 O'Clock Shadows" :mrgreen:
An update!

This week I've managed to get a few bits finished!

An animal Handler, along with five chaos hounds. I'm particularly happy with 'skinned dog', thanks to the judicious use of Citadel's new technical blood paint.





A converted Infantryman to be used as a hero, on an equally converted Temple dog:

A Wood Elf Boar Handler, that I've repurposed to be a Dark Elf Assassin.

For the trivia freaks amongst you, this is the *actual* figure that was photographed for the Red catalogue released in 1991.

And one of the repeating catapults and crew, along with the base:

And I'm still going, now working on the Cold One cavalry, and the Witch Elves. I'll get there eventually!
I love that Boar Handler figure, it was one of my first miniatures ever... sadly it has been lost in time...

Very interesting take on that one, the tattoos work very well!