Display board / playable surface


Good day!
Holidays are good for me this year with plenty of time on my hands, so it is terrain time!
I first had in mind a display board, but with the amount of material available, I modified my concept to be able to use it as a terrain for skirmishes.

So here is the overall idea:

Now twiking the slopes to make sure miniatures will actually stand on it:

Adding textures:
I didn't like the tree at first but it looks really good like you have it. The biggest problem you face is doing that area where the dwarf will be standing and making them look like they're not leaning. I like where it's going . Gc


A quick update for the my board, so far I love where it's going :grin:

A bit more texture:

Adding details:

The tree with some contemporary beastman art:

The abandoned battering ram:


Very exciting.
I really like where it is going too.
Keep the updates coming ... looking forward to seeing it with some paint on.
(I love terrain projects).